Tuesday, June 9, 2009


So I went on my first kayaking trip of the year last weekend. Again on the Blue River, which to be more accurate is green to brownish. Out of the group, I'm the only one who's been on this trip before and out of the group, I'm the only one to swamp her/his canoe/kayak. LOL. In my defense, it had been raining all week and the river was just a few inches under 'No Go' stage when they close the outfitters down for safety reasons. This trip is always listed as a class II, but I'd never seen ANY white water. You're luck if you don't have to get out and walk it's so shallow in sections in the summer. I have a bruise the size of a grapefruit to show for it in the middle of my lower back. Yummy.
It was so fun though. I'm glad we got together a good sized group to go. I loved it. I would go every weekend if I could get away with it. I'm not the most athletic person by any stretch, but in a kayak I can rock! Its nice now to feel like I've had a nice workout at the end and not be completely exhausted. (My last trip I forgot to check that the drain plug was in the kayak until two miles downstream when I started floating 2 1/2" under the water, I wasn't a happy camper.) We decided to stop to try out a rope swing and I tucked into a tree root ball to get anchored. In the process I bumpbed into a branch, which immediately deposited it's 3" long shelled occupant into my lap. I've never seen a baby turtle look more frantic. He was really cute. I started drifting back into the current and had to drop him back in the water. If you're intersted in going, I'm always going to say YES!

1 comment:

Geneil said...

Ooo, what a cute turtle!! You have revived my desire for a little pet turtle--I want to get one and name it Roger.

I'm glad you had a fun trip to start the summer! Sounds like great fun to me.